
A strong regional economy continues to provide excellent employment opportunities and a steady demand for housing in Schuyler.  New homes and older homes exist in both established neighborhoods as well as developing areas in and around Schuyler.

For families and individuals who prefer to rent, rental housing is available.  See The Schuyler Sun and visit the websites of local Realtors for current listings.  Schuyler also has one Assisted Living Facility for those people requiring additional services.

Because of Schuyler’s favorable location and strong regional economy, additional new housing over the next several years will be needed to support current employment opportunities and future population growth.  This is why the position of Community Housing Specialist was created.

The purpose of the Community Housing Specialist (CHS) position is to facilitate an accelerated expansion of new housing construction; to continue upgrading the overall quality of existing housing stock; and, to grow Schuyler’s property tax base.  The CHS position was created in October 2014 to bring a full-time focus on growing Schuyler’s housing stock as identified in the 2012 Schuyler Housing Assessment Study.

Some of the responsibilities of the CHS include being a liaison with local employers to assess their housing needs and issues, participate and facilitate the planning of future community housing, advocate and support Fair Housing, and develop and maintain professional relationships with regional and state housing resources including the Nebraska Investment Finance Authority, Northeast Nebraska Economic Development District, NeighborWorks Northeast Nebraska, Nebraska Department of Economic Development and USDA.

Brian Bywater
Community Housing Specialist
Schuyler Community Development, Inc.
1119 B St.
Schuyler, NE  68661
Bus: (402) 615-3653

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